Top Fans
Canman Phil
Tommy O.B.
65 Cadillac
Hands down one of the biggest fan of the Five Os ever. Never missed a game and can remember scores and stories back to the 60s. Loved his straw.
Canman Phil
Rumored to be the richest man in Oconomowoc. Tracks lotto numbers every day for the past many years. A die hard fan. Also one of the top fans of the 65 Cadillac.
The 65 Caddy
The first not living object to make it to the prestigious "Top Fans" page. Came into possession off eBay, it can easily and safely carry 8 full grown men to Ponderosa during rain delays. Click here for it's web page.
One third car racer, one third Five Os fan, one third beer drinker. Claims to have drank at least one beer a day for over a year. Has made many promises to have the Five O's logo painted on his race car, but has yet to produce.