O's counting on youth
April 28, 1993

Steve Rhoades (8) and Steve Smith (20) figure to be key players for the Oconomowoc Five O's this season
Spring time is a time for renewal and as the Land O'Lakes
baseball campaign begins, perhaps no team needs renovation more than the
Oconomowoc Five O's, coming off a disappointing 8-8 season.
In addition, over the winter, Oconomowoc was forced to stare
insolvency in the face.
Into this hornets' nest 23-year old player/manager Jason
Brown, who is upbeat about the team's comeback chances.
"It's going to be a really exciting season, we've got a
serious chance to be good," Brown said.
To justify his optimism, Brown noted that the O's would
practice more frequently than last year and play a more aggressive style.
"Brownie Ball" will entail using a young, athletic line-up to run
opponents ragged.
The Rookie skipper will have veterans Steve Rhoades, (yes he spelled Steve's last name incorrectly) who hit
nearly .400 during the second half of last season; former Oconomowoc High
School star Greg Hackbart, who can both hit and pitch; a trimmed-downed Steve
Smith in the infield or at catcher; and newcomer Rick Ronneberg, a power
pitcher and catcher, to rely on.
The pitching appears to be solid. Along with Hackbart,
Rhoades and Ronneberg, rookie Neil Dussault and second-year players Mike
Michalsky and Chad Brown, all formed OHS standouts, and Kevin Brown, are
available for mound duties.
"It's not going to be a one-man show," said Brown.
"We're going to have everyone pitching in."
Whether or not the O's will look better on the field remains to
be seen, but they are already looking better on the bank statements.
Brown said fund raising will be a top priority this season.
In addition, the O's will be sponsoring a softball tournament July 16-18.
The O's will host Pewaukee May 2 to open their 1993 Land
O'Lakes Western Division season.